
About Jenna Sampson

Jenna Sampson was born beneath the dancing auroras in Alaska. She eventually found her way to San Francisco where she took a job at a 30 person company called Twitter. There she launched a local grants and non-profit outreach program, working with the local government and community parters to connect company resources with those who need them. Finally she moved to the mountains to take up goat-milking and rock climbing before getting the courage to return to school. She is now pursuing her dream to be a non-fiction storyteller, using modern technology and curiosity to spread information that can have a positive impact on the world. 

She is currently focused on multimedia and environmental journalism at CU Boulder. You can view some recent learnings and projects within the blog.


Reach out if you'd like to work with me or have something fascinating to share. I'm all ears.

Email: jenna.sampson@colorado.edu